Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Obama gone in two

I am a jack (bitch) -of -all -trades, -master -of-none sort of guy, so it should not amaze you to find that I have read some military history and seek to apply lessons from then to the here-and-now (before we are all history).
The key to dramatic success for military leaders from Julius Caesar to Rommel and even now is to be where and when your enemy does not expect. Obama is expecting 4-8 years to enact his communist revolution in America and he should be gone in two to save the Republic.
Implicit, like a vestigial organ, is a constitutional method similar to the Parlimentary procedure of a vote of no confidence. Every two years we elect all of the congressmen and 1/3 of the Senate, so if the people are pissed-off enough, then a new congress, elected on the issue of impeaching the president, does so. The first day of the new congress they could make the first order of business to decide if Obama the commie rat should be impeached. Then in the afternoon, the Senate votes to remove him. Then the House could put any person in America in as President.
See, that was not so hard. This way Obama could be the truly historical president that he desires, he could be the first President impeached and convicted and removed from office in history.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Everyone always wants to know about the name Jack Bitch, or jack bitch.

Yeah, well...the name 'jack bitch' was created as a part of a joke I made up about a slow speaking southern gentleman who did not get along well with women because when they would ask him his name he would say, 'My name is Jack...Bitch!',and he would get slapped.

It is always funny when a man gets slapped.

Also, Jack has many meanings (but my favorite is 'a kind of pitcher made of waxed leather' which I discovered a few minutes ago) as does Bitch, so you can mix and match for many meanings, allowing 'jack bitch' to roam widely across the intellectual landscape but mostly it means to complain about anything.

Also, the 'jack bitch' initials of jb are the same as mine, so he is a pseudonym of sorts.

Also, no one else was using the combination of letters, so I liked it.

I am trying to 'jack-up' my main web site,, into a more multi-media presentation of a different point of view, so I made this site to increase accessibility.

I am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to listen to talk radio all day, which to some people would be hell, but to me gives me a torrent of information about current events and allows me access to a parade of PHD's selling their intellectual wares, which appeals to my frugal nature. Then I distill this information into pictures and ideas and comments.