Sunday, March 14, 2010

latest plan

We need to organize about 60,000 computer-literate citizens to take back Oregon and pass a Montana Gun Law-like limitation of the unrighteous expansion of the Interstate Commerce Clause via Wickard v Filburn.
If we can flip Oregon (the most entrenched collection of commie shitheads on planet Earth), then we flip Washington and then California and we have the legal momentum to give the Supreme court the excuse to overturn said defective prior ruling and take the US Federals back to 1940 levels of oppression and intrusion.

To do this I think we need a series of MLM's that could serve as a super-legislature with the top of the pyramid serving as a filter to stupid ideas.

Of course, there would be no real power except to appeal to the good senses of the public, which is much more conservative than the political class in charge and have the public write the laws.

If you are interested, then please contact me.

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